Childhood Obesity

Do you see this picture? Something is very wrong. For the first time ever our children are not expected to out live us.

According to the CDC approx. 17 % (around 12.5 million) children ages 2 to 19 are obese. Why is this happening? I understand some children have health issues that may cause them to become obese but we have to change something. Children should be able to play outside, run around with their friends and participate in outdoor activities in school.

Young children are getting diseases that adults usually get later in life. They have to deal with high blood pressure , diabetes , breathing problems and fatty livers. Obesity is taking over the US we must make a change. That change starts with our own children. We have to make sure that they are physically active and fed healthy foods. Children are our future we must train them early on and teach them the right things.

So I ask you, are you ready to help end the trend of obesity?

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